Choco OS
Join to the chocolate world
▼ Source | |
▼ system | |
▼ config | |
► lm4f120h5qr | |
oc_drivers_cfg.c | |
oc_drivers_list.h | |
oc_filesystem_list.h | |
oc_memory_cfg.h | |
oc_modules_cfg.h | |
oc_netif_cfg.c | |
oc_pinsmap.h | |
oc_programs_list.h | |
oc_services_cfg.h | |
oc_system_cfg.h | |
► stm32f429zit6u | |
oc_drivers_cfg.c | |
oc_drivers_list.h | |
oc_filesystem_list.h | |
oc_memory_cfg.h | |
oc_modules_cfg.h | |
oc_netif_cfg.c | |
oc_pinsmap.h | |
oc_programs_list.h | |
oc_services_cfg.h | |
oc_system_cfg.h | |
► stm32f746ngh6 | |
oc_drivers_cfg.c | |
oc_drivers_list.h | |
oc_filesystem_list.h | |
oc_memory_cfg.h | |
oc_modules_cfg.h | |
oc_netif_cfg.c | |
oc_pinsmap.h | |
oc_programs_list.h | |
oc_services_cfg.h | |
oc_system_cfg.h | |
oc_cfg.h | Helper macros for configurations files |
oc_debug_cfg.h | Configuration of the debug functions |
oc_screens_cfg.c | |
oc_streams_cfg.c | The file with configurations of streams |
▼ core | |
► inc | |
► boot | |
oc_boot.h | The file with interface for bootloader |
► drivers | |
► eth | |
oc_eth.h | The file with interface for ETH driver |
oc_eth_chips.h | List of defined Ethernet chips |
oc_eth_phy.h | Header with definitions for PHY handling |
► fmc | |
oc_fmc.h | The file with interface for FMC driver |
oc_fmc_chips.h | The file with prototypes for chips |
► gpio | |
oc_gpio.h | The file with interface for the GPIO driver |
► lcdtft | |
oc_lcdtft.h | The file with interface for LCDTFT driver |
► led | |
oc_led.h | The file with interface for the LED driver |
► pwm | |
oc_pwm.h | The file with interface for the PWM driver |
► timer | |
oc_timer.h | The file with interface for the timer driver |
► uart | |
oc_uart.h | The file with interface for UART driver |
oc_driver.h | The file with interface for driver creating |
oc_driverman.h | The file with drivers manager interface |
► fs | |
► devfs | |
oc_devfs.h | The file with interface for device drivers file system |
► flashfs | |
oc_flashfs.h | Interface for the Flash File System |
► ramfs | |
oc_ramfs.h | The file with source for the RAM file system |
oc_fs.h | The file with interface for file systems |
oc_ioctl.h | The file with interface for IOCTL |
oc_vfs.h | The file with interface for Virtual File System |
► gui | |
oc_colormap.h | FILE_DESCRIPTION |
oc_font.h | The file with interface for the GPIO driver |
oc_gui.h | The file for interface of GUI module |
oc_screen.h | File with interface for the screen objects |
oc_screenman.h | The file with interface of the Screen Manager module |
oc_tgui.h | The file with interface for TGUI |
oc_window.h | The file with interface for the GPIO driver |
► kernel | |
oc_event.h | The file with interface for event module |
oc_exchan.h | File with interface of Exception Handler |
oc_intman.h | The file with interface for interrupt manager |
oc_kprint.h | The file with interface for kernel print operations |
oc_ktime.h | The file with interface of kernel time module |
oc_memman.h | The file with memory manager interface |
oc_moduleman.h | Manages modules in the system |
oc_mutex.h | The file with interface for mutex managing |
oc_process.h | The file with interface for process mechanism |
oc_processman.h | The file with interface for process manager |
oc_program.h | The file with interface for programs |
oc_programman.h | The file with interface for program manager |
oc_queue.h | The file with interface for Queue module |
oc_semaphore.h | The file with interface for semaphores |
oc_service.h | Interface for handling services |
oc_serviceman.h | Interface of Service Manager |
oc_signal.h | The file with interface for signal module |
oc_stream.h | The file with interface for stream |
oc_streamman.h | The file with interface for stream manager |
oc_thread.h | The file with interface for thread managing |
oc_threadman.h | The file with interface for Thread Manager |
oc_user.h | The file with interface for user system |
oc_userman.h | File with interface for user system manager |
► net | |
► protocols | |
► dhcp | |
oc_dhcp.h | Contains definitions of DHCP |
► icmp | |
oc_icmp.h | File with interface for ICMP |
► tcp | |
oc_tcp.h | |
► telnet | |
oc_telnet.h | File with interface for TELNET protocol |
► udp | |
oc_udp.h | Stores UDP interface |
► upnp | |
oc_ssdp.h | ChocoOS |
oc_upnp.h | ChocoOS |
oc_ip.h | Stores interface of IP module |
oc_net.h | File with interface for the NET module |
oc_netif.h | Contains interface for netif object |
oc_netifman.h | Stores interface of netif manager module |
oc_portman.h | Module for managing port reservations |
► posix | |
oc_debug.h | FILE__DESCRIPTION |
oc_list.h | The file with list library |
oc_stdio.h | The file with standard input/output operations |
oc_stdlib.h | |
oc_system.h | FILE__DESCRIPTION |
► terminals | |
► vt100 | |
oc_vt100.h | The file with interface for VT100 terminal standard |
oc_vt100_seq.h | |
oc_terminal.h | The file with interface for terminal handling |
oc_terminals.h | List of terminals standards |
oc_core.h | The file with an interface for the Core Space |
► src | |
► boot | |
oc_boot.c | The file with source of interface functions for boot manager |
► drivers | |
► eth | |
oc_eth.c | The file with source for ETH driver interface |
oc_eth_chips.c | File with ethernet chips definitions |
oc_eth_phy.c | Stores functions for handling PHY |
► fmc | |
oc_fmc.c | The file with source for FMC driver interface |
oc_fmc_chips.c | The file with definitions of chips for FMC module |
► gpio | |
oc_gpio.c | The file with interface for the GPIO driver |
► lcdtft | |
oc_lcdtft.c | The file with source for LCDTFT driver interface |
oc_lcdtft_40pins.c | The file with interface for the GPIO driver |
► led | |
oc_led.c | The file with interface source for the LED driver |
► pwm | |
oc_pwm.c | The file with interface for the PWM driver |
► timer | |
oc_timer.c | Contains source code for the timer driver |
► uart | |
oc_uart.c | The file with source for UART driver |
oc_driver.c | FILE__DESCRIPTION |
oc_driverman.c | The file with sources for driver manager |
► fs | |
► devfs | |
oc_devfs.c | The file with source for Device File System |
► flashfs | |
oc_flashfs.c | The file with source for the FLASH file system |
oc_flashfs_files.c | File with definitions of files that will be stored in the flash fs path. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE!!! (it is generated automatically) |
► ramfs | |
oc_ramfs.c | The file with source for the RAM file system |
oc_vfs.c | The file with sources for the VFS |
► gui | |
oc_colormap.c | DESC |
oc_font.c | |
oc_screen.c | FILE__DESCRIPTION |
oc_screenman.c | FILE__DESCRIPTION |
oc_tgui.c | The file with interface for the GPIO driver |
► kernel | |
oc_event.c | The source file for the event module |
oc_exchan.c | Source file of Exception Handler module |
oc_intman.c | The file with interface for interrupts manager |
oc_kprint.c | The file with source for the kprint module |
oc_ktime.c | The file with kernel time functions |
oc_memman.c | The file with sources for memory manager |
oc_moduleman.c | Interface for module manager |
oc_mutex.c | The file with source for mutex object functions |
oc_process.c | The file with source for process |
oc_processman.c | The file with source for process manager |
oc_program.c | The file with source for program module |
oc_programman.c | The file with program list source |
oc_queue.c | Stores source for queues object |
oc_semaphore.c | The file with source code for semaphores |
oc_service.c | File with source for Service object interface |
oc_serviceman.c | Source of service manager |
oc_signal.c | The file with source for signal module functions |
oc_stream.c | FILE__DESCRIPTION |
oc_streamman.c | The file with source for stream manager functions |
oc_thread.c | The file with source of thread functions |
oc_threadman.c | FILE__DESCRIPTION |
oc_user.c | |
oc_userman.c | The file with interface for user manager module |
► net | |
► protocols | |
► dhcp | |
oc_dhcp.c | The file with sources for the DHCP module |
► icmp | |
oc_icmp.c | Stores source of the ICMP module functions |
► tcp | |
oc_tcp.c | The file with interface of TCP module |
oc_tcp_connection.c | The file with source for the TCP connection interface |
oc_tcp_packet.c | ChocoOS |
oc_tcp_server.c | Stores implementation of TCP server functions |
► telnet | |
oc_telnet.c | The file with functions of TELNET |
► udp | |
oc_udp.c | ChocoOS |
oc_ip.c | ChocoOS |
oc_netif.c | File with functions of Netif object |
oc_netifman.c | Files with sources of the netif manager |
oc_portman.c | Interface functions for PortManager |
► posix | |
oc_debug.c | FILE__DESCRIPTION |
oc_list.c | The file with source for the list library |
oc_stdio.c | With source for the standard IO library |
oc_stdlib.c | The file with source for stdlib functions |
oc_system.c | FILE__DESCRIPTION |
▼ libraries | |
► inc | |
oc_1word.h | Contains macros for creating one word from more words in macros |
oc_array.h | Static array definitions |
oc_assert.h | FILE__DESCRIPTION |
oc_baudrate.h | |
oc_bits.h | The file with functions for the bits operation |
oc_color.h | The file with interface for the color library |
oc_compiler.h | The file contains definitions for the compiler, that helps to manage errors, etc |
oc_diag.h | |
oc_dynamic_config.h | Handles configuration of the Dynamic |
oc_errors.h | |
oc_forif.h | Definition of forif macro loop |
oc_frequency.h | The file with frequency definitions |
oc_ifnot.h | With ifnot definition |
oc_libraries.h | The main file of libraries. It includes all libraries |
oc_math.h | Basic math operations |
oc_md5.h | FILE__DESCRIPTION |
oc_memory.h | The file with interface for the GPIO driver |
oc_module.h | The file with interface for the module library |
oc_null.h | Definition of the null pointer |
oc_object.h | The file with helper macros for managing objects |
oc_pixel.h | The file with interface for the GPIO driver |
oc_stdtypes.h | FILE__DESCRIPTION |
oc_string.h | The file with interface for string library |
oc_stringlist.h | With interface for string list library |
oc_struct.h | The file with interface for the GPIO driver |
oc_time.h | The library with time definitions |
oc_version.h | The file with version handling |
► src | |
oc_dynamic_config.c | Functions of dynamic configuration |
oc_errors.c | FILE__DESCRIPTION |
oc_module.c | The file with interface for the GPIO driver |
oc_string.c | The file with source for the string library |
▼ portable | |
► inc | |
► lld | |
oc_adc_lld.h | The file with LLD interface for the ADC driver |
oc_clock_lld.h | The file with LLD interface for the CLOCK driver |
oc_dac_lld.h | The file with LLD interface for the DAC driver |
oc_dma2d.h | The file with interface for the GPIO driver |
oc_dma_lld.h | The file with LLD interface for the DMA driver |
oc_eth_lld.h | The file with LLD interface for the ETH driver |
oc_fmc_lld.h | The file with LLD interface for the FMC driver |
oc_gpio_lld.h | The file with LLD interface for the GPIO driver |
oc_lcdtft_lld.h | The file with LLD interface for the LCDTFT driver |
oc_lld.h | The file with interface for LLD layer |
oc_mem_lld.h | The file with LLD interface for the MEM driver |
oc_spi_lld.h | The file with LLD interface for the SPI driver |
oc_sys_lld.h | The file with LLD interface for the SYS driver |
oc_timer_lld.h | The file with LLD interface for the TIMER driver |
oc_uart_lld.h | |
► mcs | |
► ARM | |
► Cortex_M4 | |
oc_mcs_defs.h | |
► Cortex_M7 | |
oc_mcs_defs.h | |
► st | |
► stm32f4 | |
► mslld | |
oc_gpio_mslld.h | |
► stm32f429zit6u | |
oc_ba_defs.h | |
oc_channels_defs.h | |
oc_interrupts_defs.h | |
oc_machine_defs.h | |
oc_pins_defs.h | |
oc_registers_defs.h | |
oc_rmaps_defs.h | |
oc_saipll.h | |
► stm32f7 | |
► mslld | |
oc_gpio_mslld.h | |
► stm32f746ngh6 | |
oc_ba_defs.h | |
oc_channels_defs.h | |
oc_interrupts_defs.h | |
oc_machine_defs.h | |
oc_pins_defs.h | |
oc_registers_defs.h | |
oc_rmaps_defs.h | |
► stm32f74xVx | |
oc_machine_defs.h | |
oc_saipll.h | |
► ti | |
► lm4f | |
► lm4f120h5qr | |
oc_ba_defs.h | |
oc_channels_defs.h | |
oc_interrupts_defs.h | |
oc_machine_defs.h | |
oc_pins_defs.h | |
oc_registers_defs.h | |
oc_rmaps_defs.h | |
► mslld | |
oc_gpio_mslld.h | |
oc_ba.h | Interface for Machine Base Addresses (BA) module |
oc_channels.h | The file with interface for Channel module |
oc_interrupts.h | The file with interface interrupt module |
oc_lsf.h | The file with interface for LSF module |
oc_machine.h | The file with interface for the machine module |
oc_machines_list.h | FILE__DESCRIPTION |
oc_mcs.h | Contains machine core specific functions |
oc_pins.h | Contains interface of the pins module |
oc_portable.h | The file with an interface for the portable layer |
oc_registers.h | The file with interface for registers module |
oc_rmaps.h | The file with interface for register maps module |
► src | |
► mcs | |
► ARM | |
► Cortex_M4 | |
oc_mcs.c | |
► Cortex_M7 | |
oc_mcs.c | |
► st | |
► stm32f4 | |
► lld | |
► clock | |
oc_clock_lld.c | |
► dma | |
oc_dma_lld.c | |
► eth | |
oc_eth_lld.c | |
► fmc | |
oc_fmc_lld.c | |
► gpio | |
oc_gpio_lld.c | |
► lcdtft | |
oc_lcdtft_lld.c | |
► mem | |
oc_mem_lld.c | |
► sys | |
oc_sys_lld.c | |
► timer | |
oc_timer_lld.c | |
► uart | |
oc_uart_lld.c | |
oc_saipll.c | |
► stm32f7 | |
► lld | |
► clock | |
oc_clock_lld.c | |
► dma | |
oc_dma_lld.c | |
► eth | |
oc_eth_lld.c | |
► fmc | |
oc_fmc_lld.c | |
► gpio | |
oc_gpio_lld.c | |
► lcdtft | |
oc_lcdtft_lld.c | |
► mem | |
oc_mem_lld.c | |
► sys | |
oc_sys_lld.c | |
► timer | |
oc_timer_lld.c | |
► uart | |
oc_uart_lld.c | |
oc_saipll.c | |
► ti | |
► lm4f | |
► lld | |
► clock | |
oc_clock_lld.c | |
► dma | |
oc_dma_lld.c | |
► gpio | |
oc_gpio_lld.c | |
► mem | |
oc_mem_lld.c | |
► spi | |
oc_spi_lld.c | |
► sys | |
oc_sys_lld.c | |
► timer | |
oc_timer_lld.c | |
► uart | |
oc_uart_lld.c | |
oc_channels.c | The file with interface for the GPIO driver |
oc_interrupts.c | The file with interface for the GPIO driver |
oc_machine.c | The file with source for machine module |
oc_pins.c | The file with source for the pins module |
▼ programs | |
oc_program_data.c | The file contains data for the program |
▼ user | |
► inc | |
oc_slsw.h | The file with interface for standard libraries system wrappers module |
oc_upman.h | The file with interface for user programs manager |
oc_userspace.h | The special file with includes for user space interface |
► src | |
oc_user.c | |
choco.h |