40 #ifndef SYSTEM_PORTABLE_INC_MCS_OC_MCS_H_ 41 #define SYSTEM_PORTABLE_INC_MCS_OC_MCS_H_ 43 #include <oc_interrupts_defs.h> 47 #include <oc_mcs_defs.h> 50 #include <oc_errors.h> 57 #define _________________________________________MACROS_SECTION_____________________________________________________________________________ 77 #define oC_MCS_IsStackPushDecrementPointer() oC_MCS_STACK_PUSH_DECREMENTS_POINTER 89 #define oC_MCS_AlignStackPointer(Pointer) ((void*)oC_MCS_AlignSize((void*)Pointer,oC_MCS_STACK_MEMORY_ALIGNMENT)) 100 #define oC_MCS_AlignPointer(Pointer) ((void*)oC_MCS_AlignSize((void*)Pointer,oC_MCS_MEMORY_ALIGNMENT)) 111 #define oC_MCS_AlignSize(Size,Alignment) ((((oC_UInt_t)(Size)) + (Alignment) - 1) & ~((Alignment)-1)) 119 #define oC_MCS_IsStackPointerAligned(Pointer) (oC_MCS_AlignStackPointer(Pointer) == ((void*)(Pointer))) 127 #define oC_MCS_IsPointerAligned(Pointer) (oC_MCS_AlignPointer(Pointer) == Pointer) 129 #undef _________________________________________MACROS_SECTION_____________________________________________________________________________ 137 #define _________________________________________TYPES_SECTION______________________________________________________________________________ 154 #define IRQn_(NAME,TYPE) oC_1WORD_FROM_3(TYPE , NAME , _IRQn) 156 #define CREATE_INTERRUPT_NUMBER( BASE_NAME , INTERRUPT_TYPE , INTERRUPT_NUMBER , ...) IRQn_(BASE_NAME , INTERRUPT_TYPE) = INTERRUPT_NUMBER , 162 #undef CREATE_INTERRUPT_NUMBER 267 #undef _________________________________________TYPES_SECTION______________________________________________________________________________ 277 #define _________________________________________PROTOTYPES_SECTION_________________________________________________________________________ 449 oC_Int_t BufferSize ,
451 void * HandlerParameter ,
678 #undef _________________________________________PROTOTYPES_SECTION_________________________________________________________________________ 686 #define _________________________________________GLOBAL_VARIABLES_SECTION___________________________________________________________________ 690 #undef _________________________________________GLOBAL_VARIABLES_SECTION___________________________________________________________________ 698 #define _________________________________________STATIC_INLINE_SECTION______________________________________________________________________ 723 static const int16_t criticalCounterMax = INT16_MAX - INT8_MAX;
786 bool interruptsEnabled =
793 return interruptsEnabled;
828 #undef _________________________________________STATIC_INLINE_SECTION______________________________________________________________________
oC_Int_t oC_MCS_GetMinimumStackBufferSize(oC_Int_t StackSize)
returns minimum stack buffer size
void * oC_MCS_GetCurrentProcessStackPointer(void)
returns current value of PSP
bool Cacheable
True if the region should be cacheable - If you set a region to be cacheable: When you load from that...
The file with interface for the GPIO driver.
oC_MemorySize_t Size
Size of the region.
bool oC_MCS_SetMemoryAccessMode(oC_MCS_MemoryAccessMode_t Mode)
sets the memory access mode
void(* oC_FindNextStackHandler_t)(void)
stores pointer to function for searching next stack
Memory controller is configured to allow for memory access only for regions that can be accessible by...
void * oC_MCS_GetHardFaultReason(void)
returns address that cause a hard fault
int16_t oC_MCS_CriticalSectionCounter
global variable with critical section nesting counter
oC_Stack_t oC_MCS_GetSystemStack(void)
returns pointer to the system stack
bool oC_MCS_SetInterruptPriority(IRQn_Type InterruptNumber, oC_InterruptPriotity_t Priority)
sets interrupt priority
bool oC_MCS_ReturnToSystemStack(void)
sets next stack as system stack
static bool oC_MCS_IsCriticalSectionActive(void)
checks if critical section is active
void oC_MCS_Reboot(void)
Software reboots of machine.
stores priority of interrupts
void * oC_MCS_GetCurrentMainStackPointer(void)
returns current value of MSP
const void * BaseAddress
Base address of the region - this must point to the start of the region.
bool oC_MCS_InitializeStack(oC_Stack_t *outStack, void *Buffer, oC_Int_t BufferSize, oC_ContextHandler_t ContextHandler, void *HandlerParameter, oC_ContextExitHandler_t ExitHandler)
initializes stack for the system
static bool oC_MCS_ChangeCriticalSectionCounter(int8_t ValueToAdd)
Increment or decrement counter for critical sections.
bool oC_MCS_EnableInterrupt(IRQn_Type InterruptNumber)
enables interrupt with specified number
void(* oC_ContextHandler_t)(void *ContextParameter)
stores handler of function, that handles context
uint32_t RegionNumber
Number of the region to configure.
oC_ErrorCode_t oC_MCS_ConfigureMemoryRegion(const oC_MCS_MemoryRegionConfig_t *Config)
configures memory region
Definition of interrupts.
oC_Int_t oC_MCS_GetFreeStackSize(oC_Stack_t Stack)
returns number of free stack
bool oC_MCS_SetNextStack(oC_Stack_t Stack)
sets next stack for context switching
void oC_MCS_Delay(register oC_UInt_t Cycles)
delays operations for cycles
void(* oC_ContextExitHandler_t)(void)
stores handler of function called, when context handling is finished
bool Bufforable
True if the region should be bufforable - Bufferable means whether a write to the address can be buff...
Value for functions, that returns priority to provide error handling.
bool oC_MCS_IsInterruptEnabled(IRQn_Type InterruptNumber)
checks if interrupt is enabled
oC_Access_t UserAccess
Definition of access for user space.
Type for storing access (R/W/RW)
bool oC_MCS_ConfigureSystemTimer(oC_UInt_t Prescaler, oC_FindNextStackHandler_t FindNextStackHandler)
configures system timer
bool oC_MCS_AreInterruptsEnabled(void)
Checks if interrupts are enabled in HW.
oC_Int_t oC_MCS_GetStackSize(oC_Stack_t Stack)
returns size of stack
Memory controller is configured to allow for memory access for regions that can be accessible by a pr...
uint32_t oC_MCS_GetNumberOfRegions(void)
returns number of regions that are currently configured
bool oC_MCS_InitializeModule(void)
initializes module to work
type for the CMSIS library, that contains definitions of interrupts
static void oC_MCS_EnterCriticalSection(void)
Enters to critical section.
stores memory access mode
oC_Stack_t oC_MCS_GetCurrentStack(void)
returns current stack
configuration structure for the memory region
oC_InterruptPriotity_t oC_MCS_GetInterruptPriority(IRQn_Type InterruptNumber)
returns interrupt priority
oC_Access_t PrivilegedAccess
Definition of access for privileged space (portable or core)
void oC_MCS_DisableInterrupts(void)
Globally disables interrupts (always)
bool oC_MCS_ReadFreeRegionNumber(uint32_t *outFreeRegionNumber)
reads number of a free region
static bool oC_MCS_ExitCriticalSection(void)
Exits from critical section.
void oC_MCS_EnableInterrupts(void)
Globally enables interrupts (always)
The lowest value for priority.
oC_MCS_MemoryAccessMode_t oC_MCS_GetMemoryAccessMode(void)
reads memory access mode
bool Shareable
For a shareable memory region that is implemented, the memory system provides data synchronization be...
oC_Power_t Power
Power state for the region (enabled or disabled)
oC_StackData_t * oC_Stack_t
type for storing stack reference
bool oC_MCS_DisableInterrupt(IRQn_Type InterruptNumber)
disables interrupt with specified number
stores registers power state
bool AlignSize
True if the MCS should find the size nearest to the value given as the Size field.
uint32_t oC_MCS_GetMaximumNumberOfRegions(void)
returns maximum number of regions handled by the machine
The most important interrupt priority, that is possible in the machine.