30 #ifndef SYSTEM_GEN_OC_ERRORS_H_ 31 #define SYSTEM_GEN_OC_ERRORS_H_ 58 #define oC_ERRORS_LIST(ADD) \ 59 ADD( AllocationError , "Cannot allocate memory" )\ 60 ADD( ReleaseError , "Release memory error" )\ 61 ADD( TimeoutError , "Timeout error" )\ 62 ADD( ReleasingMutexError , "Releasing mutex error" )\ 63 ADD( ChannelNotConfigured, "Channel not configured" )\ 64 ADD( ExtiLineIsUsed, "Exti line is used" )\ 65 ADD( ParentProcessNotSet, "None of processes contains this thread" )\ 66 ADD( ThreadNotSet, "Thread not set" )\ 67 ADD( ProhibitedByArchitecture, "Prohibited by architecture" )\ 68 ADD( PixelFormatNotCorrect, "Pixel format not correct" )\ 69 ADD( PixelFormatNotConfigured, "Pixel format not configured" )\ 70 ADD( WrongLayer, "Wrong layer" )\ 71 ADD( AddressNotAligned, "Address is not aligned" )\ 72 ADD( TestFailed, "Test failed" )\ 73 ADD( SyntaxNotCorrect, "Syntax not correct" )\ 74 ADD( NoCommandSpecified, "No command specified" )\ 75 ADD( OutputBufferTooSmall, "Output buffer is too small" )\ 76 ADD( WrongModuleIndex, "Wrong module index" )\ 77 ADD( DaemonThreadAlreadyExists, "Daemon thread already exists" )\ 78 ADD( LoopbackNotSupported, "Loopback not supported" )\ 79 ADD( NotAllSent, "Not all selements sent" )\ 80 ADD( CannotFindModulePin, "Cannot find module pin" )\ 81 ADD( WrongModulePinChannel, "Wrong module pin channel" )\ 82 ADD( ModulePinIsNotGiven, "Module pin is not given" )\ 83 ADD( NoneOfModulePinAssigned, "None of module pin assigned to the given pin" )\ 84 ADD( DaemonProcessAlreadyExists, "Daemon process already exists" )\ 85 ADD( ChipNotDefined, "Chip is not defined" )\ 86 ADD( CannotCreateProcess, "Cannot create process" )\ 87 ADD( ArrayNotCorrect, "Array not correct" )\ 88 ADD( ArraySizeTooBig, "Array size too big" )\ 89 ADD( CannotCreateThread, "Cannot create thread" )\ 90 ADD( CannotInitializeModule, "Cannot initialize module" )\ 91 ADD( NotHandledByFileSystem, "Not handled by file system" )\ 92 ADD( CannotRunThread, "Cannot run thread" )\ 93 ADD( NotAllPinsInTheSameState, "Not all pins in the same state" )\ 94 ADD( FileSystemNotCorrect, "File System not correct" )\ 95 ADD( PathAlreadyUsed, "Path already used" )\ 96 ADD( DriverContextNotSet, "Driver context not set" )\ 97 ADD( StringNotAsExpected, "String is not as expected" )\ 98 ADD( SpecifierNotHandled, "Specifier not handled" )\ 99 ADD( WrongNumberFormat, "Wrong number format" )\ 100 ADD( NoSuchFile, "No such file" )\ 101 ADD( FileAlreadyExists, "File already exists" )\ 102 ADD( FileIsReadOnly, "File is read only" )\ 103 ADD( CannotCreateFile, "Cannot create file" )\ 104 ADD( CannotDeleteFile, "Cannot delete file" )\ 105 ADD( DirectoryNotExists, "Directory not exists" )\ 106 ADD( VoltageNotCorrect, "Voltage is not correct" )\ 107 ADD( ExistingFileNotCorrect, "Existing file is not correct" )\ 108 ADD( FileIsBusy, "File is busy" )\ 109 ADD( FileIsEmpty, "File is empty" )\ 110 ADD( EndOfFile, "End of file" )\ 111 ADD( FileNotCorrect, "File not correct" )\ 112 ADD( NoAllBytesRead, "No all bytes read" )\ 113 ADD( OffsetTooBig, "Offset too big" )\ 114 ADD( ModeNotCorrect, "Mode not correct" )\ 115 ADD( DigitBaseNotCorrect, "Digit base is not correct" )\ 116 ADD( StreamTypeNotCorrect , "Stream type is not correct" )\ 117 ADD( ProcessNotCorrect , "Process is not correct" )\ 118 ADD( RecursiveDriverUsage, "Driver cannot be used in recursive mode" )\ 119 ADD( ThreadNotCorrect , "Thread is not correct" )\ 120 ADD( WidthTooBig, "Width too big" )\ 121 ADD( HeightTooBig, "Height too big" )\ 122 ADD( InvertNotSupported, "Invert not supported" )\ 123 ADD( DefaultProgramNotSet, "Default program is not set" )\ 124 ADD( StreamNotCorrect , "Stream is not correct" )\ 125 ADD( ContextNotCorrect , "Context is not correct" )\ 126 ADD( CannotDeleteCurrentThread, "Cannot delete current thread" )\ 127 ADD( CannotDeleteProcess, "Cannot delete process" )\ 128 ADD( ListNotCorrect, "List is not correct" )\ 129 ADD( BitOrderNotSupported, "Bit order is not supported" )\ 130 ADD( PathNotCorrect, "Path not correct" )\ 131 ADD( ParityNotSupported, "Parity is not supported" )\ 132 ADD( ParityNotCorrect, "Parity is not correct" )\ 133 ADD( StopBitNotSupported, "Stop bit is not supported" )\ 134 ADD( Timeout, "Timeout" )\ 135 ADD( ModuleIsBusy, "Module is busy" )\ 136 ADD( NoFileSystemMounted, "No file system mounted" )\ 137 ADD( NoSupportedByFileSystem, "No supported by file system" )\ 138 ADD( ObjectNotCorrect, "Object is not correct" )\ 139 ADD( ObjectNotFoundOnList, "Object not found on list" )\ 140 ADD( SomeDataLost , "Some data was lost" )\ 141 ADD( CannotUnblockThread, "Cannot unblock thread" )\ 142 ADD( RootUserNotExist, "Root user not exists" )\ 143 ADD( CannotRemoveRoot, "Cannot remove root" )\ 144 ADD( UserInUse, "User already in use" )\ 145 ADD( UserExists, "User already exists" )\ 146 ADD( UserNotExists, "User doesn't exist" )\ 147 ADD( CannotRenameUser, "Cannot rename user" )\ 148 ADD( InvalidUserName, "Invalid user name")\ 149 ADD( WrongThread, "Wrong thread" )\ 150 ADD( NotImplemented , "Functionality not implemented" )\ 151 ADD( ImplementError , "Implementation error!" )\ 152 ADD( WrongParameters , "Given parameters are not correct" )\ 153 ADD( WrongFrequency , "Given frequency is not correct" )\ 154 ADD( WrongUser, "User is not correct" )\ 155 ADD( WrongAddress , "Given address is not correct" )\ 156 ADD( WrongConfigAddress , "Given configuration address is not correct" )\ 157 ADD( WrongEventHandlerAddress , "The event handler address is not correct" )\ 158 ADD( FrequencyNotPossible , "Configuration of this frequency is not possible" )\ 159 ADD( OutputAddressNotInRAM , "The address for output function variable is not pointing to RAM section." )\ 160 ADD( WrongChannel , "Given channel is not correct" )\ 161 ADD( BitRateNotCorrect , "Bit rate is not correct" )\ 162 ADD( SpeedNotCorrect , "Speed is not correct" )\ 163 ADD( BitRateNotSupported , "Bit rate is not supported" )\ 164 ADD( BitRateNotSet , "Bit rate is not set" )\ 165 ADD( ChannelIsUsed , "Given channel is used" )\ 166 ADD( ValueTooBig, "Given value is too big" )\ 167 ADD( MaximumValueNotCorrect, "Maximum value is not correct" )\ 168 ADD( CannotRestoreDefaultState, "Cannot restore default module state" )\ 169 ADD( DriverNotTurnedOn , "The driver is not turned on!" )\ 170 ADD( DriverNotTurnedOff , "The driver is not turned off!" )\ 171 ADD( DriverNotRegistered, "The given driver is not registered!" )\ 172 ADD( NotHandledByDriver, "The given driver not handle this functionality!" )\ 173 ADD( FunctionNotExists, "Function not exists!" )\ 174 ADD( ModuleNotStartedYet, "Module has not started yet!" )\ 175 ADD( NoneElementReceived, "None element received!" )\ 176 ADD( ModuleIsTurnedOn, "Module is already turned on!" )\ 177 ADD( ModuleIsTestedAlready, "Module is already tested!" )\ 178 ADD( InterruptHandlerNotSet, "Handler function for interrupt is not set!" )\ 179 ADD( InterruptHandlerAlreadySet, "Handler function for interrupt is already set!" )\ 180 ADD( CannotTurnOnInterruptInMachineModule, "Cannot turn on interrupt in the machine!" )\ 181 ADD( CannotTurnOffInterruptInMachineModule, "Cannot turn off interrupt in the machine!" )\ 182 ADD( MachineHeapError, "Machine heap is not correct!" )\ 183 ADD( PositionNotCorrect, "Position is not correct!" )\ 184 ADD( MachineCanBeDamaged, "Unexpected behavior! Machine can be damaged!" )\ 185 ADD( WrongStackSize, "The given stack size is not correct!" )\ 186 ADD( PolarityNotCorrect, "Polarity not correct!" )\ 187 ADD( ChannelOperationsNotDisabled, "Channel operations not disabled!" )\ 188 ADD( ChannelOperationsNotEnabled, "Channel operations not enabled!" )\ 189 ADD( CannotEnableInterrupt, "Cannot enable interrupt!" )\ 190 ADD( CannotDisableInterrupt, "Cannot disable interrupt!" )\ 191 ADD( HeapPointersNotInitialized, "Heap pointers are not initialized!" )\ 192 ADD( ModuleNeedRestart, "Restart of the module is required!" )\ 193 ADD( ModuleUsedByDifferentModule, "Module used by different module!" )\ 194 ADD( CannotInitializeStack, "Cannot initialize stack!" )\ 195 ADD( ClockConfigurationError, "Error while configuration of clock" )\ 196 ADD( UnsupportedOscillator, "The given oscillator is not supported" )\ 197 ADD( ResolutionNotSet, "Resolution not set" )\ 198 ADD( SystemClockNotConfigured, "The system clock is not configured" )\ 199 ADD( NotSupportedOnTargetMachine, "The feature is not supported on the target machine" )\ 200 ADD( ChannelNotPoweredOn, "The given channel is not turned on!" )\ 201 ADD( CannotEnableChannel, "The given channel cannot be turned on!" )\ 202 ADD( NotSinglePin, "The given pin is not single pin!" )\ 203 ADD( PowerStateNotCorrect, "The given power state is not correct!" )\ 204 ADD( PeripheralPinNotDefined, "Peripheral pin is not defined" )\ 205 ADD( PinNotDefined, "Pin is not defined" )\ 206 ADD( WordLengthNotCorrect, "Word length is not correct" )\ 207 ADD( ColorNotCorrect, "Color is not correct" )\ 208 ADD( PinIsUsed, "Pin is used" )\ 209 ADD( OutputArrayToSmall, "Output array is too small" )\ 210 ADD( MachineSpecificValueNotCorrect, "The machine specific value is not correct!" )\ 211 ADD( SizeNotCorrect, "The size is not correct!" )\ 212 ADD( NoChannelAvailable, "None of channel is available!" )\ 213 ADD( CannotAddObjectToList, "Cannot add object to list!" )\ 214 ADD( CannotRemoveObjectFromList, "Cannot remove object from list!" )\ 215 ADD( CannotDeleteObject, "Cannot delete object!" )\ 216 ADD( IndexNotCorrect, "Index is not correct" )\ 217 ADD( CommandNotCorrect, "Command is not correct!" )\ 218 ADD( CommandNotHandled, "Command is not handled by the module!" )\ 219 ADD( DmaModeNotCorrect, "DMA mode is not correct" )\ 220 ADD( DMAAddressNotHandledByDma, "The address is not handled by the DMA!" )\ 221 ADD( DMAElementSizeNotCorrect, "Element size is not correct!" )\ 222 ADD( DMANumberOfTransfersNotCorrect, "Number of transfers is not correct!" )\ 223 ADD( DMABufferSizeMustBePowerOf2, "Buffer size must be power of 2!" )\ 224 ADD( DMASoftwareTransferNotPossibleOnThisChannel, "Software transfer is not possible on this channel!" )\ 225 ADD( DMAPeripheralTransferNotPossibleOnThisChannel, "This peripheral transfer is not possible on this channel!" )\ 226 ADD( DMATransmitDirectionNotCorrect, "Transmit direction is not correct!" )\ 227 ADD( PinNeedUnlock, "This pin need to be unlocked before usage" )\ 228 ADD( GPIOPinNeedUnlock, "This pin need to be unlocked before usage" )\ 229 ADD( GPIOPinIncorrect , "Pin is incorrect" )\ 230 ADD( GPIOPinIsUsed , "Pin is used" )\ 231 ADD( GPIOCurrentNotCorrect , "The given GPIO current is not correct" )\ 232 ADD( GPIOModeNotCorrect , "The given GPIO mode is not correct" )\ 233 ADD( PullNotCorrect , "The given pull is not correct" )\ 234 ADD( OutputCircuitNotCorrect , "The given output circuit mode is not correct" )\ 235 ADD( GPIOIntTriggerNotCorrect , "The given GPIO interrupt trigger is not correct" )\ 236 ADD( GPIOModeConfigureError , "Error while setting mode of GPIO pin" )\ 237 ADD( GPIOOutputCircuitConfigureError , "Error while setting output circuit of GPIO pin" )\ 238 ADD( GPIOPullConfigureError , "Error while setting pull of GPIO pin" )\ 239 ADD( GPIOCurrentConfigureError , "Error while setting current of GPIO pin" )\ 240 ADD( GPIOSpeedConfigureError , "Error while setting speed of GPIO pin" )\ 241 ADD( GPIOInterruptConfigureError , "Error while setting interrupt of GPIO pin" )\ 242 ADD( GPIOADDInterruptToListError , "Error while adding interrupt of GPIO pin to list" )\ 243 ADD( SYSUnknownOscillatorSource , "Unknown oscillator source" )\ 244 ADD( SYSConfigurationError , "Error while configuration of system clock" )\ 245 ADD( OSPIDNotExists , "Process with given ID not exists" )\ 246 ADD( OSNotAllThreadsCancelled, "One or more threads cannot be cancelled" )\ 247 ADD( OSDuplicatePID , "Process ID is duplicated" )\ 248 ADD( OSProcessNotFinished , "Process is not finished" )\ 249 ADD( OSGlobalVariableRegistrationError , "Error while registration of the global variable" )\ 250 ADD( OSCannotKillChildProcess , "At least one of children processes cannot be killed" )\ 251 ADD( OSWrongThread , "Not correct thread reference" )\ 252 ADD( OSWrongTTY, "Not correct TTY reference" )\ 253 ADD( TTYConfigurationIncorrect , "Configuration is not correct" )\ 254 ADD( TTYCannotCreateDLIST , "Cannot create dynamic list" )\ 255 ADD( TTYCannotCreateMutex, "Cant create mutex object" )\ 256 ADD( UARTNotCorrectChannel, "The given channel number is not correct" )\ 257 ADD( UARTCannotPrepareTRAHN, "Error while creating TRANH object" )\ 258 ADD( UARTPinNotDefined, "Given pin is not defined" )\ 259 ADD( UARTCantConfigurePin, "Cannot configure GPIO pin" )\ 260 ADD( UARTNotCorrectWordLength, "Given word length is not correct" )\ 261 ADD( UARTWordLengthNotSupported, "Given word length is not supported on selected architecture" )\ 262 ADD( UARTParityNotSupported, "Given parity mode is not supported on selected architecture" )\ 263 ADD( UARTStopBitNotSupported, "Given stop bit mode is not supported on selected architecture" )\ 264 ADD( UARTBitOrderNotSupported, "Given bit order mode is not supported on selected architecture" )\ 265 ADD( UARTInvertNotSupported, "Given invert mode is not supported on selected architecture" )\ 266 ADD( UARTBitRateNotSupported, "Given bit-rate is not supported on this architecture" )\ 267 ADD( UARTInterruptConfigureError, "Error while setting interrupt priority for UART channel" )\ 268 ADD( TIMLockingLockedChannel, "Trying to lock locked channel" )\ 269 ADD( TIMUnlockingUnlockedChannel, "Trying to unlock channel which is not locked" )\ 270 ADD( TIMChannelNotConfigured, "The selected channel is not configured" )\ 271 ADD( TIMMatchCallbackNotCorrect, "The match callback function pointer is not correct" )\ 272 ADD( TIMMatchContextNotCorrect, "The match callback context pointer is not correct" )\ 273 ADD( TIMTimeoutCallbackNotCorrect, "The timeout callback function pointer is not correct" )\ 274 ADD( TIMTimeoutContextNotCorrect, "The timeout callback context pointer is not correct" )\ 275 ADD( TIMNoneOfChannelsAvailable, "None of channel available" )\ 276 ADD( TIMModeNotCorrect, "Timer mode is not correct" )\ 277 ADD( TIMERCountsDirNotCorrect, "Count direction is not correct" )\ 278 ADD( TIMERSubTimerNotCorrect, "SubTimer is not correct" )\ 279 ADD( TIMERBothSubTimersNeeeded, "Both SubTimers are needed" )\ 280 ADD( TIMERCountsDirNotPossible, "Count direction is not possible with this configuration" )\ 281 ADD( TIMERModeNotCorrect, "Mode is not correct" )\ 282 ADD( TIMERModeNotSelected, "Timer mode not selected" )\ 283 ADD( TIMERTriggerNotCorrect, "Input trigger is not correct" )\ 284 ADD( TIMERChannelNotStopped, "Channel is not stopped" )\ 285 ADD( TIMERFrequencyNotPossibleInFullMode, "Frequency not possible in full timer mode" )\ 286 ADD( TIMERMaximumValueTooBig, "Maximum value is too big" )\ 287 ADD( TIMTickSourceNotSupported, "The selected TickSource is not supported" )\ 288 ADD( TIMSizeNotSupported, "The given size is not supported" )\ 289 ADD( TIMTickPeriodNotSupported, "The given tick period is not supported" )\ 290 ADD( TIMSizeNotSupportedOnSelectedChannel, "The given size is not supported on selected channel" )\ 291 ADD( TIMMatchValueTooBig, "The given match value is too big" )\ 292 ADD( TIMMaxValueTooBig, "The given max value is too big" )\ 293 ADD( TIMCantCalculatePrescaler, "Error while calculating prescaler" )\ 294 ADD( TIMTickPeriodTooSmall, "The given tick period is too small for this channel" )\ 295 ADD( TIMTickPeriodTooBig, "The given tick period is too big for this channel" )\ 296 ADD( TIMCountsDirNotSupported, "The given counts direction is not supported" )\ 297 ADD( TIMValueTooBig, "The given timer value is too big for this channel" )\ 298 ADD( TimeAlreadyTurnedOn, "Time module is already turned on" )\ 299 ADD( TimeAlreadyTurnedOff, "Time module is already turned off" )\ 300 ADD( TimeCannotCreateWakeUpList, "Error while creating wake up list" )\ 301 ADD( TimeCannotCreateConfigEvent, "Error while creating configuration event" )\ 302 ADD( ClockPhaseNotSupported, "Given clock phase is not supported on selected architecture" )\ 303 ADD( ClockPolarityNotSupported, "Given clock polarity is not supported on selected architecture" )\ 304 ADD( ChipSelectPolarityNotSupported, "Given chip select polarity is not supported on selected architecture" )\ 305 ADD( FunctionNotSupportedInCurrentMode, "The function is not supported in current mode" )\ 306 ADD( ModeNotSupported, "Given mode is not supported on selected architecture" )\ 307 ADD( FrameWidthNotSupported, "Given frame width is not supported on selected architecture" )\ 308 ADD( FrameTypeNotSupported, "Given frame type is not supported on selected architecture" )\ 309 ADD( StateNotSupported, "Given state of Chip Select is not supported" )\ 310 ADD( PulseWidthTooBig, "Pulse width too big" )\ 311 ADD( AddressNotInRam, "Address is not in ram" )\ 312 ADD( WrongBufferEndAddress, "Wrong buffer end address" )\ 313 ADD( ColorFormatNotSupported, "Color format not supported" )\ 314 ADD( ColorFormatNotCorrect, "Color format not correct" )\ 315 ADD( ColorMapNotCorrect, "Color map not correct" )\ 316 ADD( TimingParametersNotSupported, "Timing parameters not supported" )\ 317 ADD( TimingParametersNotFilled, "Timing parameters not filled" )\ 318 ADD( AddressNotInExternalMemory, "Address is not stored in external memory" )\ 319 ADD( HeapMapAlreadyConfigured, "Heap map already configured" )\ 320 ADD( HeapMapNotConfigured, "Heap map not configured" )\ 321 ADD( WritingNotPermitted, "Writing not permitted" )\ 322 ADD( ReadingNotPermitted, "Reading not permitted" )\ 323 ADD( ProtectionNotCorrect, "Protection not correct" )\ 324 ADD( DataBusWidthNotCorrect, "Data bus width not correct" )\ 325 ADD( DataBusWidthNotSupported, "Data bus width not supported" )\ 326 ADD( AccessWidthNotCorrect, "Access width not correct" )\ 327 ADD( SizeTooBig, "Size too big" )\ 328 ADD( NoFreeBankAvailable, "No free bank available" )\ 329 ADD( MemoryTypeNotCorrect, "Memory type is not correct" )\ 330 ADD( DelayNotPossible, "Delay is not possible" )\ 331 ADD( RowBitsNumberNotSupported, "Row bits number not supported" )\ 332 ADD( ColumnBitsNumberNotSupported, "Column bits number not supported" )\ 333 ADD( AutoStackMethodNotCorrect, "Auto stack method is not correct" )\ 334 ADD( NumberOfBanksNotCorrect, "Number of banks not correct" )\ 335 ADD( NumberOfBanksNotSupported, "Number of banks not supported" )\ 336 ADD( CasLatencyNotCorrect, "CAS Latency not correct" )\ 337 ADD( CasLatencyNotSupported, "CAS Latency not supported" )\ 338 ADD( DirectAccessNotPossible, "Direct access not possible" )\ 339 ADD( CannotAccessMemory, "Cannot access memory" )\ 340 ADD( AccessPermissionsNotPossible, "Access permissions are not possible" )\ 341 ADD( AccessPermissionsNotCorrect, "Access permissions are not correct" )\ 342 ADD( RegionNumberNotCorrect, "Region number is not correct" )\ 343 ADD( AutoConfigurationsNotAvailable, "Auto configurations not available" )\ 344 ADD( NumberOfRowsNotCorrect, "Number of rows is not correct" )\ 345 ADD( MemoryNotConfigured, "Memory not configured" )\ 346 ADD( AutoRefreshPeriodNotCorrect, "Auto refresh period not correct" )\ 347 ADD( ReadPipeDelayNotPossible, "Read pipe delay not possible" )\ 348 ADD( NotGraphicDriver, "Driver is not graphic driver!" )\ 349 ADD( AlreadyConfigured, "Already configured" )\ 350 ADD( NotConfiguredYet, "Not configured yet" )\ 351 ADD( ObjectProtected, "Object is protected" )\ 352 ADD( CommunicationInterfaceNotCorrect, "Communication interface not correct" )\ 353 ADD( PinNotSet, "Required pin is not set" )\ 354 ADD( CannotDisableChannel, "Cannot disable channel" )\ 355 ADD( MacNotInitialized, "MAC not initialized" )\ 356 ADD( PhyAddressNotCorrect, "PHY address not correct" )\ 357 ADD( RegisterAddressNotCorrect, "Register address not correct" )\ 358 ADD( CannotAccessRegister, "Cannot access register" )\ 359 ADD( OtherCommunicationInterfaceInUse, "Other communication interface in use" )\ 360 ADD( NoMoreConfigurationsPossible, "No more configurations possible" )\ 361 ADD( ChipNameNotDefined, "Chip name is not defined" )\ 362 ADD( DriverTypeNotCorrect, "Driver type not correct" )\ 363 ADD( StringIsEmpty, "String is empty" )\ 364 ADD( StringIsTooLong, "String is too long" )\ 365 ADD( CannotGiveSemaphore, "Cannot give semaphore" )\ 366 ADD( FoundOnList, "Already found on the list" )\ 367 ADD( NoneActiveNetif, "None of network interfaces isn't active" )\ 368 ADD( IpAddressNotCorrect, "IP address is not correct" )\ 369 ADD( IpAddressEmpty, "IP address is empty" )\ 370 ADD( AddressTypeNotCorrect, "Address type is not correct" )\ 371 ADD( RoutingTableEntryNotFound, "Routing table entry not found" )\ 372 ADD( NetifNotCorrect, "Netif not correct" )\ 373 ADD( ProcessAlreadyStarted, "Process has started already" )\ 374 ADD( CannotDeleteThread, "Cannot delete thread" )\ 375 ADD( LinkNotDetected, "Link not detected" )\ 376 ADD( UnknownHardwareType, "Unknown hardware type" )\ 377 ADD( UnknownAddressType, "Unknown address type" )\ 378 ADD( UnknownHardwareAddress, "Unknown hardware address" )\ 379 ADD( HardwareAddressIsEmpty, "Hardware address is empty" )\ 380 ADD( AlignmentNotCorrect, "Alignment not correct" )\ 381 ADD( DescriptorListNotInitialized, "Descriptor list not initialized" )\ 382 ADD( NoFreeSlots, "No free slots" )\ 383 ADD( InternalDataAreDamaged, "Internal data are damaged (stack has been overwritten?)" )\ 384 ADD( DataNotAvailable, "Data not available" )\ 385 ADD( BaudRateNotSupported, "Baud rate not supported" )\ 386 ADD( OperationModeNotCorrect, "Operation mode not correct" )\ 387 ADD( WrongMacAddressIndex, "Wrong MAC address index" )\ 388 ADD( TimeNotCorrect, "Time not correct" )\ 389 ADD( AllocatorNotCorrect, "Allocator not correct" )\ 390 ADD( ReceiveError, "Receive error" )\ 391 ADD( UnfinishedPacket, "Unfinished packet" )\ 392 ADD( MemoryAlreadyAllocated, "Memory already allocated" )\ 393 ADD( MemoryNotAllocated, "Memory not allocated" )\ 394 ADD( UnknownLayer, "Unknown layer" )\ 395 ADD( NotDmaAddress, "The given address is not correct DMA address" )\ 396 ADD( CannotConvertHeaderEndianess, "Cannot convert header endianess" )\ 397 ADD( PortNotCorrect, "Port not correct" )\ 398 ADD( PortNotReserved, "Port not reserved" )\ 399 ADD( PortNotAvailable, "Port not available" )\ 400 ADD( PortReservedByDifferentProcess, "Port reserved by different process" )\ 401 ADD( PermissionDenied, "Permission denied" )\ 402 ADD( PossibleOnlyForRoot, "Possible only for root" )\ 403 ADD( TypeNotCorrect, "Type is not correct" )\ 404 ADD( PacketNotCorrect, "Packet is not correct" )\ 405 ADD( CannotFindNetifForTheAddress, "Cannot find Netif for the given address" )\ 406 ADD( ModuleBusy, "Module is busy" )\ 407 ADD( PortBusy, "Port is busy" )\ 408 ADD( AddressNotInInternalRam, "Address is not in internal RAM" )\ 409 ADD( SegmentTypeNotSupported, "Segment type is not supported" )\ 410 ADD( HardwareAddressNotFilled, "Hardware address not filled" )\ 411 ADD( SizeNotAligned, "Size is not aligned" )\ 412 ADD( TypeReservedByDifferentProcess, "Type reserved by different process" )\ 413 ADD( TypeNotReserved, "Type is not reserved" )\ 414 ADD( TypeBusy, "Type is busy" )\ 415 ADD( HostNotAvailable, "Host not available" )\ 416 ADD( NotConnected, "Not connected" )\ 417 ADD( AlreadyConnected, "Already connected" )\ 418 ADD( ServerNotStarted, "Server not started" )\ 419 ADD( DriverImplementedIncorrectly, "Driver implemented incorrectly" )\ 420 ADD( NoSpaceAvailable, "No space available" )\ 421 ADD( OptionNotFound, "Option not found" )\ 422 ADD( OptionNotCorrect, "Option not correct" )\ 423 ADD( OptionNotAdded, "Option not added" )\ 424 ADD( WindowSizeNotCorrect, "Window size not correct" )\ 425 ADD( ObjectInUse, "Object in use" )\ 426 ADD( CannotClearOptions, "Cannot clear options" )\ 427 ADD( ConnectionNotRequested, "Connection not requested" )\ 428 ADD( AlreadyRunning, "Already running" )\ 429 ADD( NotRunning, "Not running" )\ 430 ADD( ConnectionExpired, "Connection has expired" )\ 431 ADD( ConnectionFromDifferentServer, "Connection from different server" )\ 432 ADD( ModuleNotCorrect, "Module not correct" )\ 433 ADD( ModuleAlreadyRegistered , "Module already registered" )\ 434 ADD( ModuleNotRegistered , "Module not registered" )\ 435 ADD( PortAlreadyReserved, "Port already reserved" )\ 436 ADD( RequiredModuleNotEnabled, "Required module not enabled" )\ 437 ADD( WrongCommandArgument, "Wrong command argument" )\ 438 ADD( CannotKillProcess, "Cannot kill process" )\ 439 ADD( ConnectionInProgress, "Connection in progress" )\ 440 ADD( ConnectionHasBeenFinishedTooEarly, "Connection has been finished too early" )\ 441 ADD( ModuleHasNotStartedCorrectly, "Module has not started correctly" )\ 442 ADD( ModuleHasNotBeenStoppedCorrectly, "Module has not been stopped correctly" )\ 443 ADD( ServiceNotStarted, "Service has not started yet" )\ 444 ADD( ServiceAlreadyStarted, "Service already started" )\ 445 ADD( ProgramNotCorrect, "Program not correct " )\ 446 ADD( NoDataToSend, "No data to send" )\ 447 ADD( NoSpaceOnRemoteServer, "No space on remote server" )\ 448 ADD( InterruptsNotEnabled, "Interrupts not enabled" )\ 455 #define _ADD_ERROR_TO_ENUM( CODE_NAME , DESCR ) oC_1WORD_FROM_2( oC_ErrorCode_ , CODE_NAME ) , 474 oC_ERRORS_LIST(_ADD_ERROR_TO_ENUM)
476 oC_ErrorCode_NumberOfErrorsDefinitions
486 extern bool oC_SaveErrorFunction (
const char * Description , oC_ErrorCode_t ErrorCode ,
const char * Function , uint32_t LineNumber );
487 extern bool oC_ReadLastError (
const char ** outDescription, oC_ErrorCode_t * outErrorCode ,
const char ** outFunction , uint32_t * outLineNumber );
520 static inline bool oC_AssignErrorCode( oC_ErrorCode_t * outErrorCode , oC_ErrorCode_t ErrorCode )
522 bool errorOccur = ErrorCode != oC_ErrorCode_None;
525 outErrorCode[0] = ErrorCode;
541 static inline bool oC_AssignErrorCodeIfFalse( oC_ErrorCode_t * outErrorCode ,
bool Condition , oC_ErrorCode_t ErrorCode )
543 return oC_AssignErrorCode( outErrorCode , (Condition) ? oC_ErrorCode_None : ErrorCode );
555 static inline bool oC_ErrorOccur( oC_ErrorCode_t ErrorCode )
557 return ErrorCode != oC_ErrorCode_None;
562 static inline bool oC_SaveIfErrorOccurFunction(
const char * Description , oC_ErrorCode_t ErrorCode ,
const char * Function, uint32_t LineNumber )
566 if(oC_ErrorOccur(ErrorCode))
577 static inline bool oC_SaveIfFalseFunction(
const char * Description ,
bool Condition , oC_ErrorCode_t ErrorCode ,
const char * Function, uint32_t LineNumber )
581 if(Condition ==
595 #define _________________________________________MACROS_SECTION_____________________________________________________________________________ 597 #define ErrorCondition( Condition , ErrorCode ) oC_AssignErrorCodeIfFalse(&errorCode , Condition , ErrorCode ) 598 #define ErrorCode( ErrorCode ) oC_AssignErrorCode(&errorCode , ErrorCode ) 599 #define oC_BeginProcedure do 600 #define oC_EndProcedure while(0); 601 #define oC_ExitProcedureIfError(Step) if(oC_AssignErrorCode(&errorCode,Step) == false) { break; } 602 #define oC_ExitProcedureIfFalse(Step) if(oC_AssignErrorCode(&errorCode,Step) == false) { break; } 604 #define oC_Procedure_Begin do 605 #define oC_Procedure_End while(0); 606 #define oC_Procedure_ExitIfError(ErrorCode) if( oC_AssignErrorCode(&errorCode,ErrorCode) == false ) { break; } 607 #define oC_Procedure_ExitIfFalse(Condition,ErrorCode) if( oC_AssignErrorCodeIfFalse(&errorCode,Condition,ErrorCode) == false ) { break; } 609 #define oC_SaveError(String,ErrorCode) oC_SaveErrorFunction(String,ErrorCode,oC_FUNCTION,oC_LINE) 610 #define oC_SaveIfErrorOccur(String,ErrorCode) oC_SaveIfErrorOccurFunction(String,ErrorCode,oC_FUNCTION,oC_LINE) 611 #define oC_SaveIfFalse(String,Condition,ErrorCode) oC_SaveIfFalseFunction(String,Condition,ErrorCode,oC_FUNCTION,oC_LINE) 613 #undef _________________________________________MACROS_SECTION_____________________________________________________________________________ Contains macros for creating one word from more words in macros.
The file contains definitions for the compiler, that helps to manage errors, etc. ...
void oC_SetLockSavingErrors(bool Lock)
locks or unlocks saving errors
bool oC_SaveErrorFunction(const char *Description, oC_ErrorCode_t ErrorCode, const char *Function, uint32_t LineNumber)
save error code with description for later
const char * oC_GetErrorString(oC_ErrorCode_t ErrorCode)
bool oC_ReadLastError(const char **outDescription, oC_ErrorCode_t *outErrorCode, const char **outFunction, uint32_t *outLineNumber)
reads error code with description from the errors stack