31 #ifndef SYSTEM_CORE_INC_NET_PROTOCOLS_UDP_OC_UDP_H_ 32 #define SYSTEM_CORE_INC_NET_PROTOCOLS_UDP_OC_UDP_H_ 44 #define _________________________________________DEFINITIONS_SECTION________________________________________________________________________ 51 #undef _________________________________________DEFINITIONS_SECTION________________________________________________________________________ 59 #define _________________________________________TYPES_SECTION_____________________________________________________________________________ 248 #if defined(LITTLE_ENDIAN) 253 #elif defined(BIG_ENDIAN) 254 # error oC_Udp_Header_t structure is not defined for BIG ENDIAN! 256 # error Unknown endianess 283 uint8_t IPv6IsNotDefinedYet;
333 #undef _________________________________________TYPES_SECTION_____________________________________________________________________________ 340 #define _________________________________________PROTOTYPES_SECTION_________________________________________________________________________ 359 #undef _________________________________________PROTOTYPES_SECTION_________________________________________________________________________ IBM RMC (Remote monitoring and Control) protocol, used by System p5 AIX Integrated Virtualization Man...
oC_Net_Ipv4_t SourceIp
Source IP address.
FirstClass Protocol (FCP), used by FirstClass client/server groupware system.
Internet Printing Protocol (IPP)
Netnews Administration System (NAS)
Xerox Network Systems (XNS) Mail.
Post Office Protocol, version 3 (POP3)
HTTP RPC Ep Map, Remote procedure call over Hypertext Transfer Protocol, often used by Distributed Co...
Authentication Service (auth), the precedessor to identification protocol.
Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)
Background File Transfer Program (BFTP)
Any private Remote job entry.
uint32_t Length
Length of the packet in bytes.
oC_ErrorCode_t oC_Udp_ReleaseAllPortsReservedBy(oC_Process_t Process, oC_Time_t Timeout)
releases all ports reserved by the process
Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX)
Simple Network Paging Protocol (SNPP), RFC 1568.
struct PACKED oC_Udp_Header_t
stores UDP header
IBM Systems Network Architecture (SNA) gateway access server.
uint16_t Length
A field that specifies the length in bytes of the UDP header and UDP data.
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
Message posting protocol (MPP)
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
AURP (AppleTalk Update-based Routing Protocol)
union PACKED oC_Udp_PseudoHeader_t
pseudo UDP header required only for checksum calculation
bool oC_Udp_IsPortReserved(oC_Udp_Port_t Port, oC_Process_t Process)
checks if the given UDP port is reserved
Remote procedure call (RPC)
stores UDP port number
oC_Net_Ipv4PacketHeader_t Header
Header of the IPv4 packet.
identifier for allocations
cloanto-net-1 (used by Cloanto Amiga Explorer and VMs)
NetWare Core Protocol (NCP) is used for a variety things such as access to primary NetWare server res...
commerce (Commerce Applications)
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), used for e-mail routing between mail servers.
Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), version 3.
Telnet protocol over TLS/SSL.
netwall, For Emergency Broadcasts
kerberos-iv, Kerberos version IV
Digital Equipment Corporation DECnet (Phase V+) over TCP/IP.
NetBIOS Name Service, used for name registration and resolution.
Service Location Protocol (SLP)
number of special ports, that are reserved for special service
uint16_t Checksum
The checksum field may be used for error-checking of the header and data.
Quick Mail Transfer Protocol.
Simple Gateway Monitoring Protocol (SGMP), a protocol for remote inspection and alteration of gateway...
Doom, first online first-person shooter.
Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), management of electronic mail messages on a server...
securecast1, outgoing packets to NAI's SecureCast serversAs of 2000
TACACS+ Login Host protocol.
Microsoft EPMAP (End Point Mapper), also known as DCE/RPC Locator service, used to remotely manage se...
SupportSoft Nexus Remote Command (data), a proxy gateway connecting remote control traffic...
Network Time Protocol (NTP), used for time synchronization.
Contains interface for netif object.
REALM-RUSD (ApplianceWare Server Appliance Management Protocol)
Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) client; also used by Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) ...
Host Name Server Protocol.
codaauth2, Coda authentication server
Resource Location Protocol (RLP)[importance?]—used for determining the location of higher level serv...
stores type of the packet
SupportSoft Nexus Remote Command (control/listening), a proxy gateway connecting remote control traff...
Uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
have been assigned to TCPMUX by IANA, but by design only TCP is specified.
PKIX Time Stamp Protocol (TSP)
X Display Manager Control Protocol (XDMCP), used for remote logins to an X Display Manager server...
uint32_t oC_Net_Ipv4_t
stores IPv4 address
On-Demand Mail Relay (ODMR)
Mapping of Airline Traffic over Internet Protocol (MATIP) type A.
Distributed Mail System Protocol (DMSP, sometimes referred to as Pcmail)
Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)
Formerly Unisys Unitary Login, renamed by Unisys to NXEdit.
ISO Transport Service Access Point (TSAP) Class 0 protocol;.
MSDP, Multicast Source Discovery Protocol.
UUCP Mapping Project (path service)
Simple File Transfer Protocol.
Efficient Short Remote Operations (ESRO)
A Remote Network Server System.
NetBIOS Datagram Service.
Reverse Routing Header (RRH)
bool oC_Udp_Packet_Delete(oC_Udp_Packet_t **Packet)
release memory allocated for a UDP packet
oC_ErrorCode_t oC_Udp_ReservePort(oC_Udp_Port_t *Port, oC_Time_t Timeout)
reserves a UDP port
comsat, together with biff
oC_ErrorCode_t oC_Udp_TurnOn(void)
turns on UDP module
oC_ErrorCode_t oC_Udp_CalculateChecksum(oC_Udp_Packet_t *Packet, bool *outChecksumCorrect, uint16_t *outExpectedChecksum)
Calculates checksum for UDP packet.
oC_ErrorCode_t oC_Udp_ReleasePort(oC_Udp_Port_t Port, oC_Time_t Timeout)
releases a port
Remote Mail Checking Protocol.
Xerox Network Systems (XNS) authentication.
oC_ErrorCode_t oC_Udp_TurnOff(void)
turns off UDP module
FTPS Protocol (data), FTP over TLS/SSL.
Xerox Network Systems (XNS) Time Protocol.
Route Access Protocol (RAP)
Group Domain Of Interpretation (GDOI) protocol.
Mobile IP Agent (RFC 5944)
Xerox Network Systems (XNS) clearinghouse.
uint16_t oC_Udp_Packet_GetDataSize(const oC_Udp_Packet_t *Packet)
returns size of the data inside UDP packet
Citadel, multiservice protocol for dedicated clients for the Citadel groupware system.
uint16_t oC_Udp_Packet_GetMaximumDataSize(oC_Net_PacketType_t Type)
returns maximum size of the data for UDP packet
Precision Time Protocol (PTP) general messages.
Special value for marks port as not filled.
FTPS Protocol (control), FTP over TLS/SSL.
Character Generator Protocol (CHARGEN)
Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) / Internet Key Exchange (IKE) ...
struct Udp_t * oC_Udp_t
stores information about UDP state
Simple Network Management Protocol Trap (SNMPTRAP)
Border Gateway Multicast Protocol (BGMP)
Post Office Protocol, version 2 (POP2)
oC_ErrorCode_t oC_Udp_Packet_ReadData(const oC_Udp_Packet_t *Packet, void *outData, uint16_t Size)
reads data of the UDP packet
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)
Data of the packet.
Any private dial out service.
oC_Udp_Packet_t * oC_Udp_Packet_New(Allocator_t PacketAllocator, oC_Net_PacketType_t Type, const void *Data, uint16_t Size)
allocates memory for a UDP packet
AppleTalk Routing Maintenance.
Precision Time Protocol (PTP) event messages.
uint16_t SourcePort
This field identifies the sender's port when meaningful and should be assumed to be the port to reply...
Linux-HA high-availability heartbeat.
Structured Query Language (SQL) Services.
Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM; also port 11112)
uint32_t Checksum
Header checksum - number used for errors detection.
Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) server; also used by Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) ...
Telnet protocol—unencrypted text communications.
The file with interface for process mechanism.
uint16_t DestinationPort
This field identifies the receiver's port and is required.
uint32_t Protocol
Contains selected protocol (TCP/UDP/ICMP,etc).
Any private terminal access.
bool oC_Udp_Packet_SetData(oC_Udp_Packet_t *Packet, const void *Data, uint16_t Size)
sets data inside UDP packet
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol over TLS/SSL (LDAPS)
Label Distribution Protocol (LDP), a routing protocol used in MPLS networks.
SNMP multiplexing protocol (SMUX)
oC_ErrorCode_t oC_Udp_Send(oC_Netif_t Netif, oC_Udp_Port_t LocalPort, const oC_Net_Address_t *Destination, oC_Udp_Packet_t *Packet, oC_Time_t Timeout)
sends UDP packet
dnsix (DoD Network Security for Information Exchange) Securit Attribute Token Map ...
oC_Net_Ipv4_t DestinationIp
Destination IP address.
Open Network Computing Remote Procedure Call (ONC RPC, sometimes referred to as Sun RPC) ...
oC_ErrorCode_t oC_Udp_Receive(oC_Netif_t Netif, oC_Udp_Port_t LocalPort, oC_Udp_Packet_t *Packet, oC_Time_t Timeout)
receives UDP packet
File with interface for the NET module.
void * oC_Udp_Packet_GetDataReference(oC_Udp_Packet_t *Packet)
returns reference to the data inside UDP packet
oC_Udp_Header_t Header
Header of the UDP packet.
Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
Kerberos (protocol) administration.
Remote User Telnet Service (RTelnet)
Velneo Application Transfer Protocol (VATP)
Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
ASF Remote Management and Control Protocol (ASF-RMCP) & IPMI Remote Management Protocol.
struct PACKED oC_Udp_Datagram_t
stores UDP datagram
Kerberos Change/Set password.
Structured Query Language (SQL) Service.
oC_Net_Ipv6_t Destination
Destination IP address.
tcpnethaspsrv, Aladdin Knowledge Systems Hasp services
Kerberos authentication system.
Routing Information Protocol Next Generation (RIPng)
Syslog, used for system logging.
Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP), retrieval of newsgroup messages.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) data transfer.
NNSP, part of Network News Transfer Protocol.