Enumerator |
oC_Udp_Port_Empty |
Special value for marks port as not filled.
oC_Udp_Port_MAX |
maximum number of ports
oC_Udp_Port_TCPMUX |
have been assigned to TCPMUX by IANA, but by design only TCP is specified.
oC_Udp_Port_RemoteJobEntry |
Remote job entry.
oC_Udp_Port_Echo |
Echo Protocol.
oC_Udp_Port_Daytime |
Daytime Protocol.
oC_Udp_Port_QuoteOfTheDay |
Quote of the Day (QOTD)
oC_Udp_Port_MessageSend |
Message Send Protocol.
oC_Udp_Port_CHARGEN |
Character Generator Protocol (CHARGEN)
oC_Udp_Port_FTP |
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) data transfer.
oC_Udp_Port_Telnet |
Telnet protocol—unencrypted text communications.
oC_Udp_Port_SMTP |
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), used for e-mail routing between mail servers.
oC_Udp_Port_Time |
Time Protocol.
oC_Udp_Port_RAP |
Route Access Protocol (RAP)
oC_Udp_Port_RLP |
Resource Location Protocol (RLP)[importance?]—used for determining the location of higher level services from hosts on a network.
oC_Udp_Port_HostNameServer |
Host Name Server Protocol.
oC_Udp_Port_WHOIS |
WHOIS protocol.
oC_Udp_Port_TACACS |
TACACS+ Login Host protocol.
oC_Udp_Port_RemoteMailChecking |
Remote Mail Checking Protocol.
oC_Udp_Port_XNSTime |
Xerox Network Systems (XNS) Time Protocol.
oC_Udp_Port_DNS |
Domain Name System (DNS)
oC_Udp_Port_XNSClearingHouse |
Xerox Network Systems (XNS) clearinghouse.
oC_Udp_Port_XNSAuthentication |
Xerox Network Systems (XNS) authentication.
oC_Udp_Port_AnyPrivateTerminalAccess |
Any private terminal access.
oC_Udp_Port_XNSMail |
Xerox Network Systems (XNS) Mail.
oC_Udp_Port_BOOTPServer |
Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) server; also used by Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
oC_Udp_Port_BOOTPClient |
Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) client; also used by Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
oC_Udp_Port_TFTP |
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)
oC_Udp_Port_Gopher |
Gopher protocol.
oC_Udp_Port_NETRJS |
NETRJS protocol.
oC_Udp_Port_AnyPrivateDialOutService |
Any private dial out service.
oC_Udp_Port_AnyPrivateRemoteJobEntry |
Any private Remote job entry.
oC_Udp_Port_Finger |
Finger protocol.
oC_Udp_Port_KerberosAuthenticationSystem |
Kerberos authentication system.
oC_Udp_Port_DNSIX |
dnsix (DoD Network Security for Information Exchange) Securit Attribute Token Map
oC_Udp_Port_NICHostName |
NIC host name.
oC_Udp_Port_TSAP |
ISO Transport Service Access Point (TSAP) Class 0 protocol;.
oC_Udp_Port_DICOM |
Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM; also port 11112)
oC_Udp_Port_CCSONameserver |
CCSO Nameserver.
oC_Udp_Port_RTelnet |
Remote User Telnet Service (RTelnet)
oC_Udp_Port_SNA |
IBM Systems Network Architecture (SNA) gateway access server.
oC_Udp_Port_POP2 |
Post Office Protocol, version 2 (POP2)
oC_Udp_Port_POP3 |
Post Office Protocol, version 3 (POP3)
oC_Udp_Port_OncRpc |
Open Network Computing Remote Procedure Call (ONC RPC, sometimes referred to as Sun RPC)
oC_Udp_Port_Auth |
Authentication Service (auth), the precedessor to identification protocol.
Used to determine an user's identity of a particular TCP connection.
oC_Udp_Port_SFTP |
Simple File Transfer Protocol.
oC_Udp_Port_UUCPMappingProject |
UUCP Mapping Project (path service)
oC_Udp_Port_SQLServices |
Structured Query Language (SQL) Services.
oC_Udp_Port_NNTP |
Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP), retrieval of newsgroup messages.
oC_Udp_Port_NTP |
Network Time Protocol (NTP), used for time synchronization.
oC_Udp_Port_FormerlyUnisysUnitaryLogin |
Formerly Unisys Unitary Login, renamed by Unisys to NXEdit.
Used by Unisys Programmer's Workbench for Clearpath MCP, an IDE for Unisys MCP software development
oC_Udp_Port_DCEEndpointResolution |
DCE endpoint resolution.
oC_Udp_Port_MicrosoftEPMAP |
Microsoft EPMAP (End Point Mapper), also known as DCE/RPC Locator service, used to remotely manage services including DHCP server, DNS server and WINS.
Also used by DCOM
oC_Udp_Port_NetBIOS |
NetBIOS Name Service, used for name registration and resolution.
oC_Udp_Port_NetBIOSDatagram |
NetBIOS Datagram Service.
oC_Udp_Port_NetBIOSSession |
NetBIOS Session Service.
oC_Udp_Port_IMAP |
Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), management of electronic mail messages on a server.
oC_Udp_Port_BFTP |
Background File Transfer Program (BFTP)
oC_Udp_Port_SGMP |
Simple Gateway Monitoring Protocol (SGMP), a protocol for remote inspection and alteration of gateway management information.
oC_Udp_Port_SQL |
Structured Query Language (SQL) Service.
oC_Udp_Port_DMSP |
Distributed Mail System Protocol (DMSP, sometimes referred to as Pcmail)
oC_Udp_Port_SNMP |
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
oC_Udp_Port_SNMPTRAP |
Simple Network Management Protocol Trap (SNMPTRAP)
oC_Udp_Port_PrintServer |
Print server.
oC_Udp_Port_XDMCP |
X Display Manager Control Protocol (XDMCP), used for remote logins to an X Display Manager server.
oC_Udp_Port_IRC |
Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
oC_Udp_Port_SMUX |
SNMP multiplexing protocol (SMUX)
oC_Udp_Port_AppleTalkRoutingMaintenance |
AppleTalk Routing Maintenance.
oC_Udp_Port_QuickMailTransferProtocol |
Quick Mail Transfer Protocol.
oC_Udp_Port_ANSIZ39_50 |
ANSI Z39.50.
oC_Udp_Port_IPX |
Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX)
oC_Udp_Port_MPP |
Message posting protocol (MPP)
oC_Udp_Port_IMAPVer3 |
Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), version 3.
oC_Udp_Port_ESRO |
Efficient Short Remote Operations (ESRO)
oC_Udp_Port_Arcisdms |
oC_Udp_Port_BGMP |
Border Gateway Multicast Protocol (BGMP)
oC_Udp_Port_http_mgmt |
oC_Udp_Port_TSP |
PKIX Time Stamp Protocol (TSP)
oC_Udp_Port_PTPEvent |
Precision Time Protocol (PTP) event messages.
oC_Udp_Port_PTPGeneral |
Precision Time Protocol (PTP) general messages.
oC_Udp_Port_MATIP |
Mapping of Airline Traffic over Internet Protocol (MATIP) type A.
oC_Udp_Port_MATIPTypeB |
MATIP type B.
oC_Udp_Port_Cloanto_net_1 |
cloanto-net-1 (used by Cloanto Amiga Explorer and VMs)
oC_Udp_Port_ODMR |
On-Demand Mail Relay (ODMR)
oC_Udp_Port_Rpc2portmap |
oC_Udp_Port_CodaAuth2 |
codaauth2, Coda authentication server
oC_Udp_Port_SecureCast1 |
securecast1, outgoing packets to NAI's SecureCast serversAs of 2000
oC_Udp_Port_ClearCaseAlbd |
ClearCase albd.
oC_Udp_Port_HPDataAlarmManager |
HP data alarm manager.
oC_Udp_Port_ARemoteNetworkServerSystem |
A Remote Network Server System.
oC_Udp_Port_AURP |
AURP (AppleTalk Update-based Routing Protocol)
oC_Udp_Port_LDAP |
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
oC_Udp_Port_DigitalEquipmentCorporationDEC |
Digital Equipment Corporation DECnet (Phase V+) over TCP/IP.
oC_Udp_Port_UPS |
Uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
oC_Udp_Port_SLP |
Service Location Protocol (SLP)
oC_Udp_Port_NNSP |
NNSP, part of Network News Transfer Protocol.
oC_Udp_Port_MobileIpAgent |
Mobile IP Agent (RFC 5944)
oC_Udp_Port_SNPP |
Simple Network Paging Protocol (SNPP), RFC 1568.
oC_Udp_Port_KerberosChangeSetPassword |
Kerberos Change/Set password.
oC_Udp_Port_TcpNetHaspsrv |
tcpnethaspsrv, Aladdin Knowledge Systems Hasp services
oC_Udp_Port_ISAKMP |
Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) / Internet Key Exchange (IKE)
oC_Udp_Port_Modbus |
Modbus Protocol.
oC_Udp_Port_Citadel |
Citadel, multiservice protocol for dedicated clients for the Citadel groupware system.
oC_Udp_Port_FCP |
FirstClass Protocol (FCP), used by FirstClass client/server groupware system.
oC_Udp_Port_ComSat |
comsat, together with biff
oC_Udp_Port_Who |
oC_Udp_Port_Syslog |
Syslog, used for system logging.
oC_Udp_Port_Talk |
oC_Udp_Port_NTalk |
oC_Udp_Port_RIP |
Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
oC_Udp_Port_RIPng |
Routing Information Protocol Next Generation (RIPng)
oC_Udp_Port_NCP |
NetWare Core Protocol (NCP) is used for a variety things such as access to primary NetWare server resources, Time Synchronization, etc.
oC_Udp_Port_TimedTimeserver |
Timed, Timeserver.
oC_Udp_Port_RPC |
Remote procedure call (RPC)
oC_Udp_Port_NetwallForEmergencyBroadcasts |
netwall, For Emergency Broadcasts
oC_Udp_Port_Commerce |
commerce (Commerce Applications)
oC_Udp_Port_DHCPv6Client |
DHCPv6 client.
oC_Udp_Port_DHCPv6Server |
DHCPv6 server.
oC_Udp_Port_NewRwhoNewWho |
new-rwho, new-who
oC_Udp_Port_RTSP |
Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)
oC_Udp_Port_RMonitorRemoteMonitor |
rmonitor, Remote Monitor
oC_Udp_Port_Monitor |
oC_Udp_Port_NNTPS |
oC_Udp_Port_HTTP |
HTTP RPC Ep Map, Remote procedure call over Hypertext Transfer Protocol, often used by Distributed Component Object Model services and Microsoft Exchange Server.
oC_Udp_Port_ASFRemoteManagementAndControl |
ASF Remote Management and Control Protocol (ASF-RMCP) & IPMI Remote Management Protocol.
oC_Udp_Port_IPP |
Internet Printing Protocol (IPP)
oC_Udp_Port_RLZDBase |
RLZ DBase.
oC_Udp_Port_LDAPS |
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol over TLS/SSL (LDAPS)
oC_Udp_Port_MSDPMulticastSourceDiscovery |
MSDP, Multicast Source Discovery Protocol.
oC_Udp_Port_SupportSoftNexusRemoteControl |
SupportSoft Nexus Remote Command (control/listening), a proxy gateway connecting remote control traffic.
oC_Udp_Port_SANity |
oC_Udp_Port_LDP |
Label Distribution Protocol (LDP), a routing protocol used in MPLS networks.
oC_Udp_Port_IEEE_MMS |
oC_Udp_Port_SupportSoftNexusRemoteData |
SupportSoft Nexus Remote Command (data), a proxy gateway connecting remote control traffic.
oC_Udp_Port_TincVPNDaemon |
Tinc VPN daemon.
oC_Udp_Port_IBMRMC |
IBM RMC (Remote monitoring and Control) protocol, used by System p5 AIX Integrated Virtualization Manager (IVM) and Hardware Management Console to connect managed logical partitions (LPAR) to enable dynamic partition reconfiguration.
oC_Udp_Port_Doom |
Doom, first online first-person shooter.
oC_Udp_Port_REALM_RUSD |
REALM-RUSD (ApplianceWare Server Appliance Management Protocol)
oC_Udp_Port_VATP |
Velneo Application Transfer Protocol (VATP)
oC_Udp_Port_Linux |
Linux-HA high-availability heartbeat.
oC_Udp_Port_OLSR |
Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)
oC_Udp_Port_Kerberos |
Kerberos (protocol) administration.
oC_Udp_Port_kerberos_IvKerberosVersionIV |
kerberos-iv, Kerberos version IV
oC_Udp_Port_RRH |
Reverse Routing Header (RRH)
oC_Udp_Port_TellSend |
tell send
oC_Udp_Port_mdbs_daemon |
oC_Udp_Port_NETCONFOverSSH |
oC_Udp_Port_GDOI |
Group Domain Of Interpretation (GDOI) protocol.
oC_Udp_Port_DNSOverTLS |
DNS over TLS (RFC 7858)
oC_Udp_Port_OWAMP |
OWAMP control (RFC 4656)
oC_Udp_Port_TWAMP |
TWAMP control (RFC 5357)
oC_Udp_Port_FTPSData |
FTPS Protocol (data), FTP over TLS/SSL.
oC_Udp_Port_FTPSControl |
FTPS Protocol (control), FTP over TLS/SSL.
oC_Udp_Port_NAS |
Netnews Administration System (NAS)
oC_Udp_Port_TelnetOverTLS_SSL |
Telnet protocol over TLS/SSL.
oC_Udp_Port_NumberOfSpecialPorts |
number of special ports, that are reserved for special service