static uint16_t | oC_Net_ConvertUint16ToNetworkEndianess (uint16_t v) |
| converts uint16_t to network byte order
static uint32_t | oC_Net_ConvertUint32ToNetworkEndianess (uint32_t v) |
| converts uint32_t to network byte order
static uint16_t | oC_Net_ConvertUint16FromNetworkEndianess (uint16_t v) |
| converts uint16_t from network byte order
static uint32_t | oC_Net_ConvertUint32FromNetworkEndianess (uint32_t v) |
| converts uint32_t from network byte order
static void | oC_Net_ConvertBufferToNetworkEndianess (void *Buffer, uint16_t Size) |
| converts buffer to network endianess
static void | oC_Net_ConvertBufferFromNetworkEndianess (void *Buffer, uint16_t Size) |
| converts buffer from network endianess
static int | oC_Net_PrepareInterfaceName (oC_Net_InterfaceName_t *outName, const char *Prefix, oC_Net_InterfaceIndex_t Index) |
| prepares interface name string More...
static int | oC_Net_MacAddressFromString (const char *MacAddressString, oC_Net_MacAddress_t outMacAddress) |
| reads MAC address from the string More...
static oC_ErrorCode_t | oC_Net_HardwareAddressToString (const oC_Net_HardwareAddress_t *HardwareAddress, oC_Net_HardwareType_t Type, char *outString, oC_MemorySize_t Size) |
| prints HW address to the string More...
static oC_ErrorCode_t | oC_Net_Ipv4AddressToString (oC_Net_Ipv4_t Address, char *outString, oC_MemorySize_t Size) |
| prints IPv4 address to the string More...
static oC_ErrorCode_t | oC_Net_AddressToString (const oC_Net_Address_t *Address, char *outString, oC_MemorySize_t Size) |
| prints IP to the string More...
static oC_ErrorCode_t | oC_Net_AddressFromString (const char *Address, oC_Net_Address_t *outAddress) |
| reads IP address from the string More...
static bool | oC_Net_IsAddressCorrect (const oC_Net_Address_t *Address) |
| returns true if the given address is correct More...
static bool | oC_Net_IsAddressEmpty (const oC_Net_Address_t *Address) |
| returns true if the given address is empty More...
static bool | oC_Net_Ipv4_IsAddressInSubnet (oC_Net_Ipv4_t IP, oC_Net_Ipv4_t Subnet, oC_Net_Ipv4_t Mask) |
| checks if the IPv4 address belongs to the given subnetwork More...
static bool | oC_Net_IsAddressInSubnet (const oC_Net_Address_t *Address, const oC_Net_Address_t *Subnet, const oC_Net_Address_t *Mask) |
| checks if the address is in subnet More...
static bool | oC_Net_AreAddressesTheSame (const oC_Net_Address_t *Address1, const oC_Net_Address_t *Address2) |
| returns true if both pointers stores the same address More...
static uint16_t | oC_Net_GetMaximumPacketDataSize (oC_Net_PacketType_t Type) |
| returns maximum size of the packet data
static uint16_t | oC_Net_GetPacketSize (const oC_Net_Packet_t *Packet, bool WithHeader) |
| returns size of the packet More...
static bool | oC_Net_ConvertHeaderToNetworkEndianess (oC_Net_Packet_t *Packet) |
| converts header to network endianess
static bool | oC_Net_ConvertHeaderFromNetworkEndianess (oC_Net_Packet_t *Packet) |
| converts header from network endianess
static oC_MemorySize_t | oC_Net_GetHardwareAddressSize (oC_Net_HardwareType_t Type) |
| returns size of the hardware address (in bytes)
static oC_MemorySize_t | oC_Net_GetAddressSize (const oC_Net_Address_t *Address) |
| returns size of IP address
static const char * | oC_Net_GetHardwareTypeName (oC_Net_HardwareType_t Type) |
| returns name of the hardware type
static oC_ErrorCode_t | oC_Net_ReadLayerName (oC_Net_Layer_t Layer, char *outName, oC_MemorySize_t Size) |
| reads network layer name
static oC_ErrorCode_t | oC_Net_ReadLayerByName (oC_Net_Layer_t *outLayer, const char *Name) |
| returns network OSI layer according to its name
static bool | oC_Net_IsMainLayer (oC_Net_Layer_t Layer, oC_Net_Layer_t MainLayer) |
| returns true if Layer is part of the MainLayer
static oC_Net_PacketType_t | oC_Net_Packet_GetType (const oC_Net_Packet_t *Packet) |
| returns type of the packet More...
static bool | oC_Net_Packet_SetSize (oC_Net_Packet_t *Packet, uint16_t Size) |
| sets size of the packet
static void * | oC_Net_Packet_GetDataReference (oC_Net_Packet_t *Packet) |
| returns reference to the payload in the packet
static void | oC_Net_Packet_SetAddress (oC_Net_Packet_t *Packet, const oC_Net_Address_t *Source, const oC_Net_Address_t *Destination) |
| sets addresses in the packet
static void | oC_Net_Packet_SetData (oC_Net_Packet_t *Packet, const void *Data, uint16_t Size) |
| sets payload in the packet
static oC_Net_Packet_t * | oC_Net_Packet_New (Allocator_t Allocator, oC_Net_PacketType_t Type, void *Data, uint16_t Size) |
| allocates memory for a packet
static bool | oC_Net_Packet_Delete (oC_Net_Packet_t **Packet) |
| releases memory allocated for a packet
static uint16_t | oC_Net_CalculateChecksum (const void *Buffer, uint16_t Size, uint16_t InitialValue, bool ConvertEndianess, bool PrepareChecksumToSend) |
static uint16_t | oC_Net_Packet_CalculateChecksum (oC_Net_Packet_t *Packet) |
| calculates checksum for a packet (it only calculates it and does not fill it!)
The module is for storing low level definitions of the network. You are probably looking for #Netif object