
cgraphic - sample graphic program  


Patryk Kubiak
Member Admin
Joined:9 years  ago
Posts: 175
31/10/2017 11:18 am  

Target Description

Actually it is not possible to use the system without terminal access (UART or Telnet). It has to be possible to use the system at least at the basic level, also without access to a PC.


Drawer interface

// draws program icon
extern void cgraphic_DrawProgramIcon( oC_Program_t Program, const oC_Pixel_Position_t Position );
//  draws file icon
extern void cgraphic_DrawFileIcon( const char * Path, const oC_Pixel_Position_t Position );
// draws time box
extern void cgraphic_DrawTimeBox( const oC_Pixel_Position_t * Position );
// draws CPU load box
extern void cgraphic_DrawCPULoadBox( const oC_Pixel_Position_t * Position );
// draws box with text
extern void cgraphic_DrawButton( const oC_Pixel_Position_t * Position , const char * String );
// draws progress bar
extern void cgraphic_DrawProgressBar( const oC_Pixel_Position_t * Position, uint32_t Value, uint32_t Max );
// draws system logo
extern void cgraphic_DrawSystemLogo( const oC_Pixel_Position_t * Position, oC_Pixel_ResolutionUInt_t Width, oC_Pixel_ResolutionUInt_t Height );

Status bar interface

// draws status bar
extern void cgraphic_DrawStatusBar( void );

File manager

// Draws files from the given page
extern void cgraphic_DrawFilesFromPage( int PageIndex );

General Description

The program is responsible for providing graphic interface for user, that allows for basic managing of the system, running programs and manage files.

Welcome message view:

cgraphics Architecture.png

System handler view:

cgraphics Architecture_system_handler.png


Link to logo file





List of requirements

  • #248 ] - Program is named cgraphic
  • #247 ] - Possibility to refactor it in easy way in future to move it to the user space
  • #250 ] - Shows a system logo and welcome message at the start
  • #251 ] - Allows for browsing file system
  • #252 ] - Allows for programs execution
  • #251 ] - Shows different icons for console and graphic programs
  • #253 ] - Shows status bar
  • #253 ] - Status bar contains current time
  • #253 ] - Status bar contains current CPU load
  • #253 ] - Refreshing period of CPU load on status bar is configurable in oc_dynamic_cfg.h
  • #254 ] - Shows context menu for files
  • #254 ] - Context menu allows for copy, paste and delete files


  • #207 ] - Preparation of the sample graphic program

List of tasks

  • #246 ] - Prepare GUI concept for cgraphic
  • #247 ] - Prepare architecture for cgraphic
  • #248 ] - Prepare files for all program components with stubs for all interface functions
  • #249 ] - Implement main program function by using stubs
  • #250 ] - Implementation of module for showing welcome message
  • #251 ] - Implementation of file system browser
  • #252 ] - Implementation of module for program execution
  • #253 ] - Implementation of status bar
  • #254 ] - Implementation of context menu


Edited: 7 years  ago


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